Gezondheid & Ontwikkeling

How to prevent flat head syndrome in infants?

sleepee 25

Flat head syndrome is not a disease, but can lead to serious consequences. It is a defect characterized by a visible flattening of the side or back of an infant’s head, which contributes to changes in the shape of the face, skull and asymmetry of the eyes or ears. In such situations, prompt diagnosis is important.

Types and causes of head flattening

The first 3 months after a baby’s birth is the time when the head is most susceptible to deformation and deformation, as the soft bones of the skull are just beginning to form. There are several types of head flattening, depending on the factors involved:

  1. Plagiocephaly (oblique head) – the most common type. Causes visible, unilateral, asymmetrical flattening of the head, depending on the side on which the toddler usually lies.
  2. Brachycephaly (short-headedness) – causes widening of the head due to flattening of the back of the head. It is mainly due to the baby sleeping on its back for a long time, which is recommended to avoid the occurrence of sudden crib death.
  3. Dolichocephaly (long-headedness) – a strong elongation of the bones of the skull due to flattening of its side. The causes are to be sought in congenital defects or abnormal positioning of the child in the womb.
  4. Craniosynostosis – a birth defect that results from the fusion of one or more cranial sutures. It can appear even before birth, and its sequelae – cranial deformity – are treated with surgery.

The main and most common causes of head flattening in infants are:

  • laying the baby to sleep only on its back;
  • problems arising during pregnancy, e.g. abnormal positioning of the baby in the womb, abnormal amount of fetal waters, excessive fetal weight, multiple pregnancy, abnormalities in the structure of the cervical spine;
  • the baby’s forced positioning;
  • the
    too frequent and prolonged lying of the baby in rockers and car seats;
  • the baby’s choice of the preferred position, that is, tilting the head only to one side during sleep.


The difference between the forced position and the preferred position lies in the baby’s capabilities. If the toddler is able to turn to both sides, but chooses one of them, this is the preferred position. Forced, on the other hand, is when the infant is unable to turn its head to the other side. It is then necessary to consult a specialist.

Early prevention and treatment of flat head syndrome in infants

The abnormality of the shape of the head usually occurs as a result of prolonged external pressure on the baby’s head, such as sleeping on one side. For any child who struggles with a head deformity, a consultation with a physiotherapist is recommended. He will show what exercises should be performed with the toddler. Usually these are stretching exercises, gradually progressing. Although they are simple, it is very important to perform them correctly. Here are some activities that can be performed to reduce flattening:

  • changing the position of the body and the baby’s head during sleep – reposition the head or turn the infant from right to left and left to right when the baby is lying on its back;
  • carrying the baby in your arms. The baby should spend as little time as possible lying on its back or in a position where the head rests against a flat surface. When carrying the baby, be sure to hold the baby in both the right and left arms;
  • carrying the baby on the tummy. This position allows you to shape and develop the muscles of the neck, back and relieves pressure on the head, but also has a positive effect on the development of the child’s motor skills;
  • using special orthopedic pillows that allow the child to easily move his head and neck, which also reduces muscle asymmetry. Using them, there is no need to frequently change the baby’s position during sleep.

Because of the possibility of sudden crib death, it is recommended to put babies to sleep on their backs, despite the fact that this position is one of the most common causes of head flattening. Therefore, to minimize the occurrence of this defect, it is necessary to use the above-mentioned techniques with changing the position of the baby’s head during sleep.
For children whose head flattening is severe, these exercises may not be enough. The specialist in such a situation will certainly choose another – the best – solution. A common method is for the child to wear a special helmet or molding band. Their effect is to gently but relentlessly exert pressure on the growing bones of the skull, causing them to assume the correct shape. However, remember never to use such things without consulting a doctor, as their improper fit can exacerbate the problem.

Parents who notice their child’s head asymmetry should immediately see a pediatrician and begin diagnostics. In some cases with significant flattening, it is necessary to start rehabilitation and neurosurgical consultation. Appropriate therapy evens out the asymmetry and eliminates a flat head in an infant.


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