Guides et revues de produits

A midwife’s opinion on the wrappers


“A newborn baby is a Special Person. Small, delicate, but very strong and resilient. His first days of life are a continuation of the dynamic process of development that the Toddler began from the first moments in Mom’s belly. Providing him with the best possible conditions for life, development and rest from the moment he leaves this belly is often the priority of every mother. One of the natural ways to convey not only to the baby, but to any human being, support and a sense of security is, of course, hugging and closeness. Newborns, however, probably need hugging the most and for as long as possible. For example, American pediatrician Dr. H. Karp writes about why such a firm hug is important in his book on newborns and their reassurance. According to him, a human pregnancy should consist of not three, but four trimesters. However, due to the rapid development of the baby and the increase in the size of its head and body so much that it would not fit into the woman’s birth canal, it must end earlier. For about nine months, Little Man grows and develops in the very small space that is the mother’s uterus. It is practically wrapped tightly on all sides. However, the next three months after birth should act as another fourth trimester. According to the doctor, this is evidenced by the behaviors, needs and preferences of newborns, who indeed for the first few months very often behave as if they were still in their mother’s belly. They like to be carried, rocked, cuddled, sleep a lot. They like sounds that remind them of their mother’s belly, such as the hum of a dryer or a fan. They need some time to get used to the fact that their world is suddenly expanding from the size of a small belly to the size of a crib, a room, a house and beyond. Providing them with conditions from the uterus helps them discover their self-soothing instinct.

Wrapping a newborn baby is therefore aimed at providing him with the conditions he was accustomed to during the first, prenatal time of his life. It gives him a sense of security and peace, reminding him of the time when he was wrapped in his mother’s belly. So it is especially important when we want to teach the Toddler the time of day and night and soothe him to sleep. This will certainly make it easier for the Baby to fall asleep. Wrapping also makes it easier for the baby to control his body and control the movements of his legs and arms, especially with various physiological reflexes, such as the Moro reflex. By being able to touch and feel better, the bandaged toddler also gets to know his body better and learns about himself. This stimulates the proper development of the nervous system. Our Mothers’ and Grandmothers’ methods of tightly wrapping infants with a tetra diaper thus had their wise justification. Today, there are simpler ways to safely and well wrap the baby – and that’s what the First Step wrap
is. The soft material and the right structure of the cloth of the wrap will not irritate the skin of the toddler, and its elasticity will allow the baby to move freely, keeping his body in the right way all the time. Unlike ordinary blankets or diapers, it does not unravel and does not require constant inspection of its form. It is always necessary to find a balance and the right balance between the time when the Newborn is wrapped and the time when he can freely learn the movements of his body, lie on his tummy and be active. It is also important to remember that every Person is different – not all Toddlers need to like being wrapped, nor will they all want to be soothed easily.

I recommend Sleepee wraps because they will help every Mom provide the best possible conditions for her Baby, giving a sense of security and peace. And this from the very first moments after the toil and effort of childbirth!”


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