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"Zweiter Schritt Swaddle + Mütze Himmelblau" wurde zu Ihrem Warenkorb hinzugefügt. Warenkorb anzeigen
Zweiter Schritt Swaddle
Second Step swaddle is a must-have for every parent! This is a product that will meet your child’s needs.
A swaddle is a way to organize the baby’s sleep-wake cycle by recreating what the newborn has already learned in the mother’s belly.
What does the Second Step swaddle give your child?
It reflects the conditions known from the mother’s belly, which makes children feel safe – such an environment they knew for 9 ms. It prolongs the baby’s sleep, significantly alleviates the symptoms of colic, prevents waking up by eliminating the camo reflex, excludes scratching the toddler, and calms the baby down instantly.
Start swaddling your baby when he is full, changed – calm. During the first attempts to swaddle, avoid moments when the child is very tired and all external stimuli can irritate him.
Don’t overheat your child! In summer, a bodysuit with straps is enough, and the Second Step Swaddle is enough, while in the colder months, wear an additional romper.
Give yourself and your baby time to get used to the new way of swaddling. Some babies feel comfortable in a new swaddle from the moment they put it on, but there are also those who need a moment to do so.