Tipps und Ratschläge für die Erziehung

What is not said about fathers every day


What is not said about fathers every day

Anyone can be a biological father, but being a dad is a lifelong commitment. The father plays a role in the child’s life that cannot be replaced. Fathers strengthening the emotional, educational and social development of their children. Science increasingly emphasizes that the father’s influence manifests itself on many levels – from emotional stability to success in education and interpersonal relationships. Research shows that it is the father who has the greatest influence on the development of empathy in children. Children who have regular contact with a loving father show greater capacity for compassion.

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Father and emotional development

The father, like the mother, is a pillar in the child’s emotional development. Children look to their fathers to set rules and enforce their observance. Fathers also provide a sense of security – both physical and emotional. Children want their fathers to be proud of them, and an involved dad promotes inner growth and strength. Research shows that when fathers are affectionate and supportive, it has a huge impact on a child’s cognitive and social development. In addition, it gives the child a sense of general well-being and self-confidence.

The Father as a Model of Relationships with Others

A father not only influences who we are on the inside, but also how we relate to other people as we grow up. The way a father treats his child affects what qualities he will look for in other people. Friends, partners, and spouses will be chosen based on the relationship patterns that the child perceived in his father. These patterns affect how children will relate to other people.

Father and daughters

Young girls rely on their fathers for security and emotional support. It is the father who shows his daughter what a good relationship with a man should look like. If the father is loving and gentle, the daughter will look for the same qualities in men as she grows up. If the father is strong and courageous, the daughter will value these qualities in other men.

Father and sons

Unlike girls, who model their relationships with others based on their father’s character, boys model their father’s behavior. From an early age, boys crave their father’s approval. As humans, we learn to function in the world by imitating the behavior of those around us. If a father is caring and respectful, a young boy will grow up in a similar way. When their father is away, young boys look for other male role models to determine what rules govern the world and how to behave in it.

The presence of a loving father reduces the risk of violence in boys and increases their respect for women. One of the most important influences a father has on a child is the way he treats his mother. Fathers who show respect for their children’s mothers teach their sons how to treat women appropriately and show their daughters what behaviors they should expect from men.

The father’s parenting style is significantly different from that of the mother, and this difference is crucial for the healthy development of the child.

The role of the father in upbringing

Men and women are different, and this is reflected in their parenting styles. Fathers often “love their children in a more dangerous way,” which is due to their tendency to play more strictly and encourage risk-taking. As a result, children gain a wider spectrum of social experiences and a variety of methods of coping with life. Fathers place more emphasis on rules, justice, and responsibilities, which helps children understand objectivity and the consequences of doing and wrongdoing.

Father’s love and the child’s successes

Research indicates that a father’s involvement in a child’s life has a significant impact on his social, educational and emotional development. For example, children who feel close to their father are twice as likely to go to college, 75% less likely to have a child in their teens, 80% less likely to go to prison, and have half the risk of showing signs of depression.

The results of the research clearly show that the presence of the father in the child’s life is crucial and cannot be replaced. That is why it is so important that we promote awareness of the important role of fathers in raising children.


Emilia Adamczyk

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