Why is dad important?

For the development of children to proceed harmoniously, both parents are essential.
The father in the family has a dual, or rather triple role. He is a father, husband and male role model for both girls and boys. A father’s love is not selfless like a mother’s. He makes demands, mobilizing to overcome life’s difficulties in order to face adulthood more easily. Children in front of whom demands are made are more resistant to stress, criticism, failure. Children who have a good relationship with dad, based on trust and a sense of security are more independent, responsible and confident. Dad shows them how to cope with stress. Children learn to support each other, to cooperate, to be tolerant of others. Father passes on moral values like honesty, fairness, loyalty and solidarity. Observation of both parents shapes the pattern of future male-female relationships, communication in a relationship, attitudes toward other people.
The modern father participates in parenting from the beginning. He goes to the birthing school, is often present at the examination, then at the birth. He actively joins in the care of the child, bathing, massaging, putting to sleep, then feeding, playing, going out for walks. These simple activities build a strong father-child relationship.
Often the father is a model of material stability and security because he is the one who works and supports the family, but it also happens that he quits his job, especially if his wife earns more and takes over the care of the child.
If you have a son:
A boy of any age needs his father’s appreciation and acceptance, the belief that his dad is proud of him.
Have your manly affairs, rituals, outings, make time for him even if you are busy. Show him that men cry too, that they experience difficult moments, that they have their weaknesses and how to deal with them, how to unwind their emotions. Do some sports together, it teaches to overcome difficulties, to face challenges. Do not avoid hugging, show that a man has the right to be sensitive and show affection. Show respect for women, your son will imitate your behavior, he will duplicate the patterns in his relationship.
If you have a daughter:
You are a male role model for her, her future partner will have many of your qualities. Girls need hugs, but don’t forget that her mother takes precedence. By observing your relationship, your daughter learns what it means to respect women and observes the way a man treats a woman. Based on this, she builds a picture of her future relationship.
A daughter views herself
in her father’s eyes, so it’s important that she feels beautiful and smart. The relationship with the father affects what kind of woman she will become in the future. An independent, open-minded one, treating a man as a partner, or a complacent, timid one, dependent on a man.
father is an authority who shapes the child’s personality, teaches honesty, responsibility, justice to others, sensitizes his conscience and teaches him to live in the world.
The father’s role is to support children in their proper development, set goals and consistently achieve them. A good father should be a role model, an educator, but also a friend to whom one can turn to with any problem.
A good father should be a model, an educator, but also a friend to whom one can turn to with any problem.