How to prepare for the birth of a child?

The time before the birth of a new family member can sometimes be extremely stressful – especially if we are expecting our first child. In such a situation, everything is new to us and we have no comparison or experience, what to follow when choosing the first stroller, crib or closet. Often young parents ask themselves: what to buy? Are you sure a particular item will be useful? From this post you will learn what are the must-have things you need to stock up on when you are expecting a baby.
For the sake of a good quality sleep
The crib is unquestionably the most important piece of equipment in a child’s room, because in the early stages of development babies can sleep up to 21 hours a night. It should have all the necessary approvals to confirm safety. To make the baby’s sleep comfortable and safe, you should choose the right accessories for the crib. In addition to a comfortable and flexible mattress, which must adjust to the position that the baby will take, very important is the bedding under which the baby will sleep. The delicate skin of an infant is very sensitive to any artificial materials that can easily sensitize it. That is why it is so important that the bedding is made of one hundred percent natural materials. A pleasant cotton or bamboo viscose will do very well – it too is a desirable fabric due to its antifungal and hygroscopic properties. Young parents also often stock up on a baby horn, a sleeping bag or a warmer. It is worth figuring out whether these accessories have anti-allergenic properties. Blankets will also be a good purchase. You can stock up on one thinner one and one thicker one. A year-round bamboo blanket, which has sensational properties, will be ideal.
Your baby’s first clothes
When inexperienced with a toddler’s closet, it is important to choose clothes wisely for the first months of life, paying attention first of all to some basic issues. One of them is the right material. The best are natural fabrics, without artificial additives, for example, 100% cotton. Only such clothes will not irritate the sensitive skin of the newborn.
What size to start with? This is sometimes troublesome, as some babies are born larger and others smaller. It’s best to stock up on a few pieces of clothing from size 56 to 68 from the beginning.Newborns can grow very quickly, and it will save fresh parents time running around the stores and buying new clothes on a regular basis. Larger clothes will already be waiting in the closet when the little one grows into them. After all, sooner or later they will be used.
The cornerstones of a child’s closet are long-sleeved and short-sleeved bodysuits. They work well at any time of the year. It is best to stock up on 5 pieces of each size. For underpants you can complete leggings or half-sleepers, which are also worth buying in quantities of 5 pieces. Also pajamas are described as the most comfortable and practical clothes for the baby. That’s why we suggest buying 5-7 pajamas in the smallest and largest sizes. Pajacos that are stretched out all the way will work best – they make it easier to do everyday things with the baby, such as changing a diaper. The season is also important. In autumn and winter, it is worth buying extra clothes made of thicker material, as well as a jumpsuit or sleeping bag.
Caring for baby’s skin and health
Baby care products are an essential part of any layette. They should be carefully thought out. Preparations intended for a newborn baby must be particularly gentle. On the market you can find hundreds of different preparations, so choosing the best ones is very difficult. So when preparing a layette for a baby, choose products from those available at the pharmacy. This way you will ensure maximum safety for his delicate skin. Here is a list of cosmetics you need to have on hand:
- .
- bath lotion, which can be used from the first days of a baby’s life,
- oil to lubricate the skin,
- .cream or ointment for flare-ups,
- facial
and body cream that allows you to properly moisturize the baby’s skin, - wet
wipes, - wet wipes.
- cotton flakes and cotton buds,
- nail scissors to avoid scratches,
- abrush with soft bristles,
- aspirator or nasal pearl,
- saline
saline, - navel
As you can see, preparing for the birth of a baby can cause a lot of trouble. In addition to the crib or clothes, cosmetics and utensils to facilitate the daily care of the little one are also important. Such a layette is best completed as soon as possible. Many parents wait with this task until the last minute, but this is not a good idea. Mothers-to-be rarely have the strength to walk through stores in advanced pregnancy. Sometimes such an effort is not even advisable. So it is worth having everything already prepared 2 months before the arrival of a new family member. Then there is always time to buy the missing things.