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Sac de couchage Grow Up Amande
Sac de couchage Grow Up Bohemian_Green
Sac de couchage Grow Up Bohemian_Sand
Sac de couchage Grow Up à pois
Sac de couchage Grow Up Eukaliptus
Sac de couchage Grow Up bleu ciel
Sac de couchage Grow Up Green Forest
Sac de couchage Grow Up Ivory Forest
Sac de couchage Grow Up
A sleeping bag that grows with your child!
There is no need to constantly buy sleeping bags due to outgrowth. This is an innovative product that you can use from 0 to 24 months. All thanks to the clips located on the back of the sleeping bag. Thanks to them, we can adjust its length depending on the age and height of the child. Additional clips on the sleeves allow you to adjust the size to your child’s needs.
The Sleepee Grow Up sleeping bag is made of 100% breathable cotton that ensures the right temperature while your baby sleeps. Thanks to this, the child does not overheat, but also does not freeze during sleep. The sleeping bag is equipped with a double-sided zipper, thanks to which you can easily change diapers at night without having to wake the baby. Snap sleeves allow you to easily lift the child out of the sleeping bag without waking up. We have attached a material tab to the upper (neck) zipper, thanks to which we eliminate accidental skin irritation and possible skin pinching.