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Butterfly Pillow Almond

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Oreiller papillon Bloom

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Butterfly Pillow Bohemian_Green

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Butterfly Pillow Bohemian_Sand

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Butterfly Pillow Dots

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Butterfly Pillow Eukaliptus

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Oreiller papillon Green Forest

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Butterfly Pillow Ivory Forest

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Butterfly Pillow Sky Blue

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Oreiller anti-chocs Butterfly

A cushion that supports the baby’s head and eliminates shocks, e.g. when driving a car or in a bicycle seat. Thanks to the strings attached in the two upper corners, it can be tied to the seat or to the rungs of the cot for even better stabilization of the head.

The pillow is also perfect for walks. Its shape allows you to avoid micro-shocks when the stroller or bicycle rides on an uneven surface. It will be great when driving a car, where it will minimize shocks.